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Interview with Co-Founder of Apple Together Union

Exclusive Interview with Co-Founder of Apple Together Union

Summary of our Interview with Janneke Parrish

Larry, from UnionBase, announced a shift in focus for the organization, with a new emphasis on growing their newsletter subscribers to 100,000 and creating interesting content to support worker organizing movements. He introduced Janneke, one of the founders of Apple Together, for a discussion on her experience in organizing a union at Apple. Janneke shared that the decision to form a union is a complex process, not a simple one, and emphasized the emotional core of unionization.

Apple Union Formation and Equity Issues

Janneke discussed her decision to form a union at Apple, driven by her experiences and those of her colleagues. She detailed the issues she had witnessed during her time at Apple, including the treatment of certain groups disadvantaged groups. Janneke and her colleagues initially tried to effect change through internal petitions and letters to leadership, but these efforts were met with dismissive responses. The movement gained momentum when Cher Scarlett discovered a significant pay gap between men and women in the company. Janneke and Cher combined their efforts to highlight these inequities and the need for remote work. The movement culminated in a public town hall chat with Tim Cook and the release of stories under the hashtag #appletoo, with Janneke and Cher ultimately losing their jobs.

Apple Together's Growth and Impact

Janneke shared how Apple Together, a solidarity union, was formed and grew. She explained that the union, which started as an online community, has been able to achieve significant wins, including improving dialogue on remote work and pushing for pay increases for retail workers. Despite not having a traditional union structure, Apple Together has been able to support workers globally and exert influence within the company. Janneke also highlighted the advantages of the online organizing model, allowing for a diverse group of leaders and representatives.

Organizing Online and Workplace Communication Tools

Larry and Janneke discussed the risks and precautions of organizing online, with a focus on workplace communication tools. Janneke emphasized the importance of using personal devices for privacy and shared her team's use of Slack, texting, and a private Discord server. They also discussed the National Labor Relations Board's rulings on company devices and the challenges faced by Janneke's team in organizing within Apple due to the company's strong public support. Lastly, they talked about recent layoffs in the tech sector, the rise of AI, and its impact on salaries and company culture, with a particular focus on Apple's layoffs.

Discussing Unions in the Tech Industry

Janneke and Larry discussed the importance and challenges of unions in the tech industry. They highlighted the chilling effect of anti-union measures on workers and the need for unions to appeal to all workers. They also discussed the role of media and public relations in gaining attention and forcing companies to respond. Larry suggested that a unionized workforce could benefit employers, while Janneke emphasized that unions are about sharing power and using mechanisms of capitalist power to benefit workers. They agreed that the shift of power from workers to large corporations in the tech industry was a problem and that unions could help build the future that workers want.

Worker-Centric AI and Unionizing in Tech

Janneke and Larry discussed the importance of building worker-centric AI and the role of unions in the tech industry. Janneke shared about her book, "The Tech Workers Guide to Unions," which she wrote based on her experiences and interviews with other organizers in the industry. Larry expressed his interest in the book and suggested that Janneke could breakdown its principles in future discussions. Larry also mentioned that they would include a link to the book and share it on their social media platforms. The conversation concluded with Janneke encouraging everyone to use their voices to advocate for better working conditions, and Larry thanking Janneke for the insightful conversation.

Read Tech Workers Guide to Unions


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